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Before we can allow you to see the details of off-campus positions, you must read the disclaimer below. If you agree to the terms, click “I agree.” You will then see the job details. Otherwise, click on “new search.”
The University provides this job posting site as a service to its students. Use of this system is entirely at the risk of the users of this site, and the University expressly disclaims any and all liability with respect to the use of this site.
The University is not responsible to any user or to any third party for any direct or indirect, consequential or special, damages or losses incurred in connection with the use of this system or any data or information transmitted through this system, regardless of the nature of the claim or cause of action. Without limiting the foregoing, the University expressly disclaims any responsibility or obligation to confirm the accuracy of any information posted to the system, to check the background or suitability of any individual seeking employment, or to assess the suitability of any potential employer or employment situation.